- To prepare students with the necessary knowledge, experience and skills in Education Sciences, Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education, which will enable them to pursue a professional career in the field of education and in modern sectors of the labour market.
- To recruit scientists to the different educational structures (formal, non-formal and informal), cultural and museum spaces where learning and pedagogical programmes take place, other social structures and training and education programmes, in the context of Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education.
- To prepare a qualified scientific staff that will staff in the future the schools and educational structures of the country (formal, non-formal and informal) and promote psycho-pedagogical research, learning and teaching through innovative practices and socio-educational actions ensured by a broad and academic curriculum.
- To empower students to critically connect theory, research and practical application in education and society, in order to achieve a remarkable professional and/or academic career, both in Greece and internationally.
- To contribute to the reduction of the brain drain to other countries.
- To build, through international partnerships, a spirit of openness and exchange of best practices.
The expected learning outcomes of the postgraduate programme are the following:
- Students' deep knowledge of the essential contemporary issues of school and education in the context of Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education, and the reconstruction/redefinition of their role.
- Develop and promote psycho-pedagogical competencies, research, teaching and training methods, in line with the critical educational paradigm.
- Ability to intervene in formal, non-formal and informal structures/forms of education and training in order to change, transform and improve them.
- Ability to reflect critically on their professional, social and cultural role in the context of a postmodern critical pedagogical approach.
- Application of new/innovative methodological approaches, such as the link between art and scientific research and their application in educational practice (art-based research method).
- Understanding/interpretation of contemporary ideological-political, demographic, social, cultural, economic and educational-pedagogical challenges in the contemporary world.
The qualifications skills
The qualifications skills of the graduates of the postgraduate programme consist in the implementation of examples and best practices from Critical Pedagogy in the field of education in both formal and non-formal and informal forms and structures and more specifically: a. In school units/communities in order to promote educational and psycho-pedagogical research, learning and teaching through transformative, innovative, alternative, critical-practical and socio-educational actions and programmes. b. In various structures and forms of education, social, cultural and museum spaces, local government structures and institutions, and education and training programmes in the context of lifelong/continuous learning. c. In research centres, institutions and international scientific partnerships linking critical theory, research and its practical application in areas and fields such as education, culture and society in a constantly open and changing world (a culture of extroversion and exchange of best practices and methods).